Event box

All new staff, visitors and researchers to LEC must register for and attend a Departmental Safety Induction within the first four weeks of starting. This induction sets the level of awareness needed to work safely in a large science department. Laboratory users must also have a laboratory specific safety induction.

The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 places a legal obligation on all employers to ensure as far as is reasonably practicable, the Health, Safety and Welfare of all their employees. It also requires all employees, including students to comply with any health and safety rules or guidelines issued to them. Everyone is responsible for taking reasonable steps to ensure the safety of themselves, and any others who may be affected by their activities within the department.

Health and safety isn't a tick-box exercise, nor is it seeking to find someone to blame. There are very good legal and moral reasons that it exists. The department’s goal is to promote a safe, healthy and secure working environment and to ensure good working practice. 

Thursday, December 5, 2024
11:00 - 12:00
Annette Ryan, Tim Gregson
Course, Training or Workshop

The Safety Induction will take place at 11am in Meeting Room 5 on C floor of LEC 3 Blue Zone.

Registration is now closed. See the events page for details of future sessions.
