Event box

PGR Café Session 8

Thursday 11th July at 7pm


Featuring presentations from a current PhD Researchers at the University of Lancaster - open to all postgraduate students from all faculties and departments.

Taking place in person in Graduate College Social Hub, and streamed via Teams for the benefit of distance learners and commuter students.

This month we have a presentations from:



Presenter 1:

Name: Sam Berry

Subject: TBC

Dept: FASS



Presenter 2: 

Name: Joanna De Souza

Title: TBC

Department: Health Research



At the end of the session, there will be pizza and drinks for those attending, and a chance to mingle with peers in person and online.

If YOU would like to present at the café at the future, please get in touch!

Join the PGR Cafe Team here

Follow the PGR Cafe on Facebook here



Graduate College Social Hub is on the ground floor of House 11, Graduate College.

The Mazemap can help you navigate campus lancaster.ac.uk/maps


Thursday, July 11, 2024
19:00 - 20:30
Meeting or Networking
Events - Campus and Community Life, Events - Student Channel
