Event box

This workshop is part of the Manager Induction programme, designed for any member of staff new to managing at Lancaster University. It is targeted at professional services, academic and researcher staff at grades 5-9. The induction is a rolling programme over a period of 12 months and there are a number of development opportunities within that period. 

This workshop is the starting point for the manager induction programme. As a new manager at Lancaster University you will be expected to attend this workshop, but it will also have value to managers that have been in post for longer.  Opened by a senior sponsor, the workshop has the following aims:

To emphasise the importance of the role of a line manager to the University achieving its strategic objectives; 

To make line managers aware of the range of development opportunities that are open to them to support their management priorities; 

To initiate reflections on the development needs of new line managers.  

This event will be held in-person.

For any enquiries about this event please contact Organisational Development   

We understand that priorities change and you may no longer be able to attend. In these cases please cancel your place at the earliest opportunity. Please note that departmental charges may apply for cancellations less than 5 days in advance of for no-shows. For more information please see our Access Statement and Cancellation Policy

Tuesday, May 20, 2025
10:00 - 12:00
Mags Powers
Course, Training or Workshop

Registration is required. There are 23 seats available.
