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Infographics and altmetrics

In this final of four sessions we will explore infographics and how they can be used to help disseminate research. We will look at a few platforms for creating illustrative and eye-catching static and interactive content and show how easy it is for someone to create their very first eye-catching data driven or qualitative poster. Finally, we will tie things together by looking at altmetrics and how they can be employed to get a better understanding of how your research is being received across the media and social networks among other avenues of communication.

This session will be held via MS Teams.

10.00 Welcome

10.05 Creating infographics for research communications

11.00 Break

11.05 Creating infographics for research communications pt2

11.20 Altmetrics

11.55 Final questions

12.00 Finish

For any enquiries about this event please contact Organisational Development   

We understand that priorities change and you may no longer be able to attend. In these cases please cancel your place at the earliest opportunity. Please note that departmental charges may apply for cancellations less than 5 days in advance of for no-shows. For more information please see our Access Statement and Cancellation Policy

Tuesday, February 4, 2025
10:00 - 12:00
Andy Tattersall
Registration is now closed. See the events page for details of future sessions.
