Beyond the Article: managing your research data and 'alternative outputs'
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This session looks at how to manage your research data and 'alternative' outputs to your research (a.k.a. everything that isn't a book or article). Not many people know these outputs are both valuable and REF'able!
Want to know why you should make these outputs openly accessible and available? It could boost your profile and citations.
The following topics will be covered:
- How to manage your evidence and data during the research process
- Crucial legal, ethical and data compliance during the research process
- Information on data management plans (a requirement for all Lancaster researchers)
- Guidance on publishing data, choosing licenses and repositories.
- The benefits of open data
This event has been organised by the Library’s Open Research Team, supporting your Open Access, Research Data Management and Research Intelligence needs. We cover research data management plans, support the collation of research impact reports and ensure open access compliance. For ad-hoc support or to find more training sessions, visit or contact
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